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In Honor of the National Park Service's Fat Bear Week, We're Offering Free Shipping* on $125!


Order $125 in any products (except the hair wash!) and receive free shipping! Purchase body care, baby care, facial care, fair trade goods--any or all of the luxurious items for your skin and home.


Here's what you need to do: 


1. Add items to your cart totaling at least $125. Do not add hair wash.

2. When checking out, before submitting your order, type "FATBEARSHIP" into the discount code box.

3. Complete your order before midnight on Thursday October 3 and receive FREE SHIPPING!

Don't forget to vote for your favorite fat bear on the National Park Service website! Let's have a happy, healthy winter this year!

Hair wash orders MUST be placed and charged separately. Orders that include hair wash will be charged shipping costs for the full order.
*Please note: free shipping will be USPS Ground Advantage.


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